Filming in Mansfield
Mansfield Shire is film-friendly. We have an amazing natural landscape of mountains, rivers, lakes, rural aspects and unique towns and villages. We are a filming destination of choice for the variety we offer and because we have a great attitude and can-do approach. It’s no accident that across our business, community and land manager sectors – we’re pretty good at the ‘behind the scenes’.
We appreciate the economic and promotional value of filming and photography that aligns with our values and destination attributes. But we also pay special attention to the need for a balance that protects local amenity for residents and businesses.
The information on this page relates to commercial filming, including television, feature films, advertising and television commercials, documentaries and music videos.
Filming Permits
Some commercial filming activities trigger the need to apply for a permit for the use of a public space. This ensures the activity is in accordance with our regulations.
We endeavour to keep red tape to a minimum and encourage you to speak to the Tourism & Events Coordinator in the first instance. We will be your point of contact and assist you to identify any other permission/permits required from other land managers and/or statutory authorities.
Applications, if required, should be lodged at the earliest opportunity. We will prioritise the application and respond to your application within five business days of receiving it. Where possible we will issue within 5 days or notify you of the extra information, conditions or complex arrangements required. Where possible we will assist with external agencies/land managers/authorities for a great outcome.
To apply for a permit, please complete the application form below, filming comes under the "Permits not elsewhere specified" category and send it to the contact listed below. For the purposes of our Local Laws Permit Form – filming should be considered an ‘event’. If your filming is low impact you may not be required to apply for a permit. If the filming is complex and high impact the Local Laws Permit Form plus the Event Management Plan will be required.
Permit application form(PDF, 260KB)

Filming Permit Fees
The standard fee for a Local Laws permit for the use of a public space for filming or an event is $154.
We do not charge to process/assess the Filming Event Management Plan. Additional costs or conditions may be added on a cost recovery basis depending on film requirements.
Do you need a Permit? / Low Impact Filming
Most people conducting commercial filming must apply for a permit to use public space and complete the Event Management Plan. If filming activities are minor and ‘low impact’; at our discretion, we may not require these steps. You’ll still need to obtain our permission for low impact filming by contacting us on or phone 03 5775 8555.
At minimum, to approve a low impact filming activity, we’ll require proof of your current public liability insurance and 5 business days’ notice. As a guide, low impact filming activities are:
- a filming activity of six people or less (includes all production crew and talent)
- no more than one camera, one tripod, and handheld sound recording equipment
- public safety is maintained at all times and all public pathways, footpaths and roads must not be blocked
- no exclusive use of public space required
- filming content and messaging do not undermine our core values and the sustainability of our destination

Gareth MacDonald
Economic Development Officer - Tourism & Events
Mansfield Shire Council
Postal Address: Private Bag 1000 Mansfield VIC 3724
Phone: 03 5775 8555
More Information
You can find more information on filming in Victoria on the Film Victoria Website.