Cemeteries FAQ

Where do I begin?

Interring a deceased person in one of our cemeteries usually involves 3 basic things.

A right of interment

This is the method of allocating or reserving the grave or niche.

It's still required if you haven't reserved a place in advance, and you'll be directed to apply for one as part of arranging an interment.


The interment itself

For bodily burials, please contact a funeral director, who will then work with us.

For ashes interments, you're welcome to contact us directly.

Burials Ashes Interments

A memorial

A memorial plaque or monument marks the grave or niche and commemorates the deceased. 

Memorial plaque orders Monuments

Can I reserve a place in the cemetery?

Yes. Reservation is available for:

  • Monumental graves
  • Niche walls


Can I pre-pay for a burial?

No. We can't accommodate pre-payments for burials.

However, making a reservation allows you to pre-pay for a place in the cemetery.

Funeral directors may offer other pre-payment options.


Do I have to pay to renew a place in the cemetery?

No. All rights of interment in our cemeteries are perpetual.

You may have heard of cases where a family had to pay a renewal fee for their grave or niche. Some cemeteries offer a 25-year tenure for ashes, which must be renewed.

We only offer perpetual tenure, so you won't have to pay again later to keep your family grave or niche.

Can I use a memorial plaque I ordered separately?

Only plaques that have been ordered through Council may be placed on lawn or ashes graves.

We currently offer bronze plaques, and are working to develop a wider range of options.

When are the cemeteries open to visit?

Our cemeteries are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

There are no staff on-site. If you have an enquiry, please contact us.

Who is responsible for maintenance?

We maintain the cemeteries' grounds, infrastructure and facilities.

Individual graves and memorials are maintained by the holder of the right of interment. Usually that is the family of the deceased.