Sustainable Development & Climate Change


Renewable Energy 

Sustainable / Local Shopping 

Environmentally Sustainable Building

Mansfield Shire Council acknowledges that climate change is a threat to our community’s way of life. Council is committed to identifying the challenges that this creates and will significantly reduce emissions from its own operations and work with stakeholder to support our community in climate change action.

According to CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology, climate change will result in a warmer and dryer future for the Mansfield region.  By as soon as 2030, less frosts and a greater number of extreme heat days are predicted.  Storms are forecast to be more intense and more frequent, placing additional pressure on stormwater infrastructure.  The bushfire season will be longer with more high and extreme fire danger days.  More detailed climate projection data can be found on the Climate-Ready Hume Data Sheet.

Mansfield Shire Council has been preparing for a climate change future for some time now.  In 2009 with support from the Australian Government, Mansfield Shire Council developed a Climate Change Risk Assessment and Climate Change Adaptation Report. The Shire is currently in the process of updating its Climate Action Plan in order to align with current demographics and industry.

Mansfield Shire Council is working across the region in partnership with other Councils and agencies to prepare for climate change.  At a regional level Mansfield Shire Council is a member of the Goulburn Broken Greenhouse Alliance.

Locally, Mansfield Shire Council supports community led environmental action such as the activities by Renewable Energy Mansfield.

Long term goals

  • Council actions as per Environment Strategy

    • Develop a Climate Change Action Plan.
    • Consult to establish a Mansfield Shire Council Greenhouse Emissions Reduction target and plan for implementation.
    • Ensure Mansfield Station Precinct Activation Project meets Green Star design and construction standards.
    • Encourage urban tree cover by supporting the planting of suitable trees within the urban landscape.
    • Support the implementation of an Asset Management Plan for Council managed buildings and structures that considers opportunities for renewable energy projects.
    • Advocate for investment in public infrastructure that facilitates a future low carbon economy, such as electric vehicle charging stations, bicycle and walking paths and provision for better public transport.
    • Work in partnership and support Taungurung Lands and Water Council with the management of public lands.
    • Support community led renewable energy and efficiency programs for greater energy independence.
  • How can the community support sustainable land management?

    • Support community renewable initiatives.
    • Install solar panels or switch to a renewable energy provider.
    • Support businesses that use green energy.
    • Car pool on school runs and encourage riding and walking to school.
    • Shop locally and support local farmers and food producers.
    • Consume less, waste less.
    • Work with community groups and businesses promote a circular economy with a focus on products utilising recycled material content.
    • Engage local builders and build new homes to a 7-star standard in the National Construction Code to reduce heating and cooling needs and ongoing energy bills.