Event Funding

Opportunities to attract or develop an event to a level of regional and state significance could be supported by Mansfield Shire Council, subject to available resources.

In partnership with community groups and event organisers, Mansfield Shire Council is committed to ensuring that our Shire continues to be the thriving destination it is today and Council aims to provide appropriate support for groups undertaking the development and delivery of events where possible.

Events that can clearly demonstrate a net benefit for community, local businesses and stakeholders, and can assist to raise awareness of Mansfield - Victoria's High Country destinations and products in identified markets are invited to apply for cash and in-kind support subject to Council’s resources.

Applications will be assessed according to set criteria including:

  • Demonstrated ability to raise awareness of Mansfield - Victoria's High Country brand and other associated brands in identified markets
  • Demonstrated financial viability
  • Demonstrated capacity to add benefit to community and local businesses
  • Demonstrated ability to provide yield and yield dispersal to local businesses.
  • Where possible, products and/or resources that are offered/sourced within the Mansfield Shire.

If an application is successful, the event signatories will be required to sign and comply with a Terms & Conditions Agreement with Council.

Event funding applications must be submitted 8 weeks prior to event date.


Council's Coordinator Economic Development  - Tourism & Events can assist with your funding application. Contact Gareth MacDonald on 5775 8520 or gareth.macdonald@mansfield.vic.gov.au