Planning your Event
We strive to stimulate and encourage events that offer the best opportunity to provide measurable economic benefits, to market Mansfield - Victoria's High Country to visitors and enhance local community life through participation of residents. Events can provide a wide range of benefits to the community – socially, economically and culturally.
What is a public event or activity?
A public event is any organised activity held on public or private land open for the general public where an open area, facility, venue, road or temporary structure is to be used by more people than usually found in that location. This activity may affect the location prior to the event, during and after the event.
Mansfield Shire Council is committed to ensuring the health and safety to anyone staging or participating and attending an event within the Shire and how to do this is by completing an Event Management Plan (EMP).
By completing an Event Management Plan (EMP) event organisers demonstrate their desire to carry out their legal duties in the management of events in regards to the health and safety of all participants. It will identify and ensure a plan is in place to manage foreseeable risks associated with the staging of the event. Not all sections will apply to every event but the EMP is a perfect way to consider everything that may impact on your event and the activities around it.
The ultimate goal is to stage a successful event with no harm to people or damage to the environment and property.
Events not required to seek approval
In some cases, events may not need a permit. These could include:
- Sporting events which are presented as part of a regular fixture and run by clubs within existing lease agreements
- Events being held indoors, including halls and community centres
- Ongoing markets or events (where a permit has already been issued by Council for a designated period)
- BBQs, birthday parties and Christmas functions that do not involve things like temporary infrastructure, amplification, jumping castles and amusements
If you are unsure if your event needs approval, please get in touch with Council’s Event Coordinator who can offer advice.
Supporting documents
The documents provided below can offer you a guide to help plan and run your event:
Where can I hold my event?
We have a range of indoor and outdoor spaces including meeting rooms, halls, recreational reserves and sporting facilities. Some of our facilities are available for hire by community groups and businesses.
Visit our Community Spaces to see what Council Assets are available.
As a first step, to eliminate any doubts about what your event requires, please contact Council's Coordinator Economic Development , Tourism & Events. The Officer’s role is to guide event organisers through the EMP process (if required).
Gareth MacDonald
Coordinator Economic Development
Tourism & Events