The skill of stockmen & women is legendary across Australia, ever since sheep & cattle were introduced to the new colony approx 250 years ago. Challenges between them in the form of dog trials have been part of our countries pastoral history since the late 1800’s.
Technology has had a huge impact on agriculture in recent times, but the age old skill of handling livestock with dogs has always been admired, even more so in today’s highly developed livestock industry.
Dog trials have become an extremely popular sport with the skills and training of the team, competitor and dog, on display as the stock are moved through obstacles around a course within a set time limit.
The COBBER Supreme Stock Dog Challenge (SSD) will be a trial designed to showcase the skills of dogs and handlers over three different courses including both sheep and cattle.
There will be individual event winners and then the overall winner will be named The COBBER Supreme Stock Dog Champion.
Mansfield Showgrounds, Mansfield