For life threatening emergencies, call 000.
Contact us in an emergency
(03) 5775 8555
Our phone is attended from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday.
Outside these hours, a recorded message provides options to contact on-call staff who can arrange emergency services.
Vic Emergency
Information about current emergencies and how to prepare for and recover from an event.
Vic Emergency website
District emergency maps
Emergency maps for the Shire's outlying communities were developed in partnership with community members. They provide information about resources and local facilities to help residents prepare for and respond to emergencies.
Council is required to deliver an extensive range of activities before, during and after an emergency.
Some of these activities are required through the Emergency Management Act such as representation on the Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC) which oversees the development and maintenance of a Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP). The MEMPC is a multi-agency, collaborative committee ad has broad responsibilities for ensuring all hazards are considered and planned for in relation to risk and emergency management within the Municipality.
The key roles for the MEMPC are risk assessment and development and maintenance of the Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP) and sub plans:
The Terms of Reference for the MEMPC are below:
The MEMPC uses the Community Emergency Risk Assessment (CERA) process to identify and understand the likely impacts of a range of emergency scenarios upon community assets, values and functions and to inform the planning it undertakes. The CERA results for Mansfield can be viewed in the MEMP.
Council will take the lead role in delivering relief and recovery services to the community during and after an event. Visit the During and After sections for more information
Councils other emergency management activities include (but are not limited to):
- Risk management
- Emergency management planning
- Municipal fire management
- Administration of Fire Directions Notices
- Broadcasting emergency warnings and information
- Community education
You can find more information about Council's role in Council's Emergency Management Responsibilities Flyer.
Council Emergency Management Responsibilities Flyer(PDF, 98KB)