Published on 24 May 2024
Upgrades to Buttercup Road, Merrijig are now complete, addressing longstanding surface issues raised by community members.
The road, heavily used by residents, holiday visitors and commercial vehicles, has been elevated with crushed rock then compacted and resealed to ensure better run-off during wet weather events.
Bells Civil Construction was awarded the $407,954 contract, made possible through the Local Roads & Community Infrastructure Program.
Mayor Cr Steve Rabie said Council had responded to community concerns about the ongoing condition of the road.
“These road upgrades will provide a safer, more dependable infrastructure for both our local community and its visitors,” he said.
“Council is committed to improving connections for our community through capital projects like this one.”
Upgrades to further sections of Buttercup Road have also been designed, and Council is advocating for funding to complete these additional upgrades.