Community Satisfaction Survey Starting Soon

Published on 21 January 2022

Mansfield Shire residents are encouraged to have their say in the 2022 Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey, which will be conducted from 31 January through to mid-March. During this time, households may receive a call from an independent market research agency, National Field Services, which will conduct the survey on behalf of Council.

The survey is undertaken over the phone and typically takes less than five minutes. Residents and ratepayers are selected at random and remain anonymous, with individual details and responses kept confidential.

Mayor Cr James Tehan said the community satisfaction survey provided an important tool for Council to measure its performance and inform Council’s direction.

“Similar surveys have been completed in previous years, this provides the opportunity to benchmark and compare how our community views Council’s performance over time” said Cr Tehan.

“Last year, Council was proud to see a significant increase in the community’s rating of its overall performance. We use the results of the survey to inform areas of focus. For example, following from community feedback in 2019, we implemented changes to our town planning that resulted in a 9 point increase in the 2021 survey.

“While Council was in line with the average for rural councils in community consultation and engagement, we want to make sure that our actions as Council are supported by a deep understanding of community need. Since the survey, we have made sure our processes, plans and projects are better shaped by community engagement and feedback.

“The maintenance of unsealed roads was Council’s equal lowest score on the 2021. Since the survey was undertaken, we have invested more than ever on our unsealed road network. Our investment in roads shows our commitment to delivering on infrastructure that supports industry.

“Taking the time to speak about Council’s performance helps us to understand what matters to you. I encourage you to have your say if you receive a call,” said Cr Tehan.

Council will receive reports from the survey which will be made publicly available. You can provide feedback directly at any time or view previous survey results at

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