Community members invited to join Housing Forum

Published on 23 August 2024


The third Mansfield Housing Forum session welcomes all community members to join the discussion on solutions for the regional housing shortage.

In previous sessions, local businesses and professionals came together with industry experts and representatives from Council and the Victorian Government to delve into the challenge and identify opportunities.

Mansfield Shire’s population is expected to increase by 50% over the next 20 years, from 10,540 to 16,144 people. To keep up with demand, 115 dwellings per year would need to be built, instead of the current 94 dwellings per year.

The effect of the shortage on local businesses was highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lack of local housing options made it harder to recruit and retain enough staff to meet consumer demand, and many businesses began leasing property for staff accommodation.

With a focus on developing new solutions for the Shire, the forum promotes local collaboration to create housing opportunities for key workers, allowing them to live closer to their workplaces and actively contribute to the community.

The upcoming session will give community members a comprehensive overview of the issue and the discussions that have taken place so far. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions and share their ideas.

Mansfield Shire Council will present a review of data from previous workshops and updates on planned local housing solutions and what progress has been made.

Additional presentations from Housing Australia and Homes Victoria will cover the roles played by Victorian State and local governments, the Big Housing Build program and Commonwealth housing initiatives.

Mayor Cr Steve Rabie said collaborating with stakeholders was critical to planning for the Shire’s housing needs.

“While Council isn’t directly responsible for housing and the shortage that we’re experiencing nationwide, Mansfield Shire Council has really taken a lead role in bringing our key players together to tackle the housing shortage on a local level,” he said.

“We were one of the first in the state to consider how we could foster collaboration between industry experts and local businesses. At the time, the move we made gathered interest and the community wanted to understand more about how we are planning for the growth in our community. Now, we’re inviting the wider community to participate and contribute their knowledge as well,” said Cr Rabie.

The upcoming session will be held from 4pm to 6.30pm on Wednesday 11 September. It is free to attend and open to all members of the community, but places are limited so bookings are required.

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For information or enquiries, contact Mansfield Shire Council on (03) 5775 8555.