Council Announces the Launch of the Goughs Bay Plan
Published on 10 November 2023
On top of great local efforts from the Goughs Bay Area Progress Association to create a community plan for the area, Mansfield Shire Council is now embarking on the Goughs Bay Town Plan, which will build on the feedback and ideas collected for the community plan.
Engagement over the Plan, in conjunction with the Goughs Bay community, has commenced and community members are invited to take part in shaping the future of Goughs Bay by participating in the one of the engagement activities, which will look at a range of issues needed to support the future growth of the area.
A key issue for consideration in this process is the potential servicing of the Goughs Bay area with sewer or other forms of wastewater treatment, for which Council has obtained funding to complete a Goughs Bay Water Sensitive Town Plan Feasibility Study. Council is taking an Integrated Water Management (IWM) approach, which focuses on maintaining water quality in Lake Eildon, sustainable use of water resources, eco-friendly wastewater solutions, and effective stormwater management practices.
Water is at the heart of the Goughs Bay lifestyle and the natural beauty and recreational activities on the lake are what attracts locals and visitors to the area. The plan aims to enhance these features while incorporating community-driven ideas such as improved pathways and community spaces.
Mayor Cr James Tehan expressed his support for the project and invited the local community to participate actively in the planning process through the online surveys, site walks, and information sessions.
"The Goughs Bay Plan is a step towards a sustainable future for Goughs Bay,”
“By undertaking an Integrated Water Management approach, Council are not just planning for the next few years, but for the next generation," he said.
The engagement process will take place over several months, with the first round commencing in November 2023.
You can get involved by:
- Completing the online survey: Discuss your views on the current plan, contribute your vision for the town's future, and suggest improvements.
- Joining site walks with Council officers: Identify what is important to you, pinpoint specific areas, and discuss your thoughts with Council on 18 November starting at the Goughs Bay picnic area at 9am.
- Attending information sessions: Drop into the Council office at 33 Highett Street Mansfield and make suggestions or ask questions directly to the officers creating the plan on 17 November anytime between 12-3pm
- Attending the online information session: Attend the online session to ask Council officers any questions you may have on Thursday 23 November between 6-7pm
Council will keep the community informed through social media, Council's website, and local newspapers.
For more information on how to participate in the development of the Goughs Bay Plan, visit