Published on 06 October 2023
Council received and endorsed the progress report for the Council Plan 2021-2025 at the latest Council meeting, with councillors pleased to see the progress made against the Plan’s strategic objectives over the last year.
The Mansfield Shire Council Plan 2021–2025 is the key strategic document used to guide Council’s decision making over the four-year term and articulates the role Council will play in leading, supporting and advocating for the best possible outcomes for Mansfield Shire.
The Council Plan is focused around three themes: Connected and Healthy Community, Vibrant Liveability, and A Trusted, Effective and Efficient Council. Within each of these themes, the Plan identifies strategic objectives and specific initiatives that Council will focus on to achieve its vision for the community.
Mayor Cr James Tehan said this progress report highlights how much work has been done in this period.
“It’s great to see the organisation is on track with the majority of the strategic directives within the Plan,” he said.
“Of particular note are the highlighted elements that have been delivered to date.”
Some of these highlights include:
Connected and Healthy Community
Vibrant Liveability
A Trusted, Effective and Efficient Council
The full progress report can be viewed on the Mansfield Shire Council website by visiting the September Council Meeting Agenda at