Council Releases Proposed Budget 2023-2024

Published on 11 May 2023


Community members are invited to review the Proposed 2023/24 Budget, available for consideration and comment at until 7 June 2023.

The proposed budget outlines what Council will deliver over the next 12 months including new initiatives and core services, and how they will be funded.

It proposes a $15.58 million Capital Works Program, which will be funded with $7.92 million from government grants, $180,000 of developer contributions, and $7.48 million from Council operations.

As part of its commitment to strengthening community engagement, Council undertook extensive community consultation during January and February this year to inform the 2023/24 budget. This resulted in 102 submissions from the community, many of which Council has considered and included in this year’s budget.

Some of the new initiatives in the proposed budget include:

  • Expanded opening hours and programs for Mansfield Library
  • Increased funding for the Outlying Communities Infrastructure Fund for community projects
  • Additional resources to maintain fire access tracks and expand the street sweeping program
  • Community Connections program to continue following the relinquishment of Home and Community Care services
  • Increased statutory planning resources to assist planning permit processes and timelines
  • Increased resources for the tree inspection and management program
  • Ongoing commitment to events funding, with increased support for community events
  • Preparation for the rollout of FOGO (green bins) in July 2024
  • A wide range of infrastructure projects including upgrades to roads, footpaths, and streetscapes

The budget provides for a rate increase of 3.5 per cent as determined by the Minister for Local Government under the Fair Go Rates System.

The current economic environment of high inflation and increased material and construction costs have contributed to the rate increase, with CPI currently sitting at 7%. The increase will enable Council to continue to deliver the services and infrastructure that our community needs and despite the inflationary pressures, costs have been controlled.

Waste charges will typically increase from $496 to $541 to recover the costs of these services including increased EPA landfill levies and recovery of the waste reserve deficit. For the majority of ratepayers who use a 120L red bin, this equates to a 9% cost increase in line with general industry increases, however the waste charges remain below the 2018/19 cost for this service.

Mayor Cr James Tehan explained the budget process provided an early opportunity for the community to comment on what should be a priority for 2023/24.

“It was great to see so many of our community members taking the time to get involved and have their say this year – it is extremely encouraging to hear from people who want to be involved in a positive way and who care about our community,” he said.

“We’ve had unprecedented growth in our population and have been successful in advocating for additional funding for major projects. Our proposed budget is responsible while ensuring that we continue to support our growing population now and into the future.”

Mansfield Shire residents and ratepayers are also invited to attend the following community budget information sessions:

  • Council Chambers - 33 Highett Street, Mansfield - Wednesday 31 May at 5.00pm
  • Online via Zoom - Wednesday 31 May at 6.30pm

Ratepayers and members of the community are invited to consider the Proposed 2023-24 Budget at

Feedback and questions can be submitted online at Engage Mansfield, via email to, or by post to Private Bag 1000, Mansfield VIC 3724. Submissions must be made before 5:00 pm on Wednesday 7 June 2023

If you require a physical copy of the documents, please contact Council by phone on 03 5775 8555 to arrange a print copy for collection.

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