Council invests in land for the future

Published on 30 August 2024

Council has purchased land at the rear section of the Mansfield Bowls Club, at 35-37 Ailsa Street.

The purchase will take place over two years and will be offset by the sale of Lakins Road land, which Council sold for more than $1.57 million to a State government agency.

The land was purchased from the Mansfield Bowls Club, who were selling to raise funds to upgrade the surface of their primary bowling green.

Mayor Cr Rabie said the purchase demonstrated Council’s strategic investment in planning for the town’s future.

“Council has sold land near the Shire depot on Lakins Road that was not needed and had been leased out for grazing. This surplus land has offset the cost of purchasing land that will ultimately be more beneficial and valuable to our community.

“Every dollar counts for our ratepayers and we need to make sure our assets and investments are working for our future. The Ailsa Street land abuts existing car parks and community facilities. As the town grows, we have to plan for the future and make sure our community can continue to enjoy the amenities of the Mansfield township,” said Cr Rabie.

“This is a win-win for Council and for the Mansfield Bowls Club,” said Cr Steve Rabie.

“They get to install a new, more durable surface on their remaining green, making this green surplus to their needs.

“The Bowls Club will get to retain access while their works are underway.