Council successfully advocates for safer speed limit

Published on 11 September 2024

80 kms.JPG

Council has been successful in advocating for an extension of the 80km/h speed zone on Mt Buller Road to improve safety, with the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) recently confirming the change.

The intersection of Mt Buller Road and Mansfield-Woods Point Road was identified as a safety risk earlier in 2024. It is currently located in a 100km/h zone, near the transition to 80km/h at the entrance to Mansfield.

Police have fined multiple drivers for failing to give way at the T-intersection. Failing to give way carries risks for all travellers because of the high speed of oncoming vehicles.

A fatal crash also occurred near the intersection in April 2024.

The extension of the 80km/h zone will cover the intersection and the crash location. The lower speed limit is expected to reduce both the likelihood and severity of accidents.

Mayor Cr Steve Rabie said Council had advocated for the change to improve safety in the community.

“The safety of our community is a non-negotiable. Even though the road isn’t managed by Council, it is tragically clear that a change was needed to improve road safety, so we have advocated strongly to reduce the speed limit,” said Cr Rabie.

Other safety measures including rumble strips and stop signage were also suggested by members of the Traffic Liaison Committee, which includes Victoria Police, Mansfield Shire Council, Alpine Resorts Victoria and DTP.

“We’re grateful that the Department of Transport and Planning have made the decision to change the speed limit at our request. We hope it means we won’t see another horrific accident on this section of road,” Cr Rabie said.

New speed signage is expected to be installed by DTP in the coming months.

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