Council's Special Rates and Charges Policy Consultation Closes
Published on 07 March 2025
A policy that allows residents to make special contributions for localised projects has been open for community consultation and will now go to Council at its meeting on 18 March 2025.
The policy, which was open for consultation during February, provides a framework within which property owners can request that Council considers a special project that would benefit them.
Mayor Cr Steve Rabie said that the policy had been reviewed to make sure there was a clear process for coming to Council to initiate a project.
“This is a positive move toward Council being able to provide services or infrastructure in consultation with community.
“We listen and we act,” said Cr Rabie.
“This policy means we can take a request from a resident who has the support of their neighbours and consider putting it up for a future project,” said Cr Rabie.
“If someone wants something done on their street and their neighbours agree with them, the special rates and charges policy means we can fairly raise the funds for a project that benefits those people.
“For example, if you ask for a new footpath or the sealing on an unsealed road on your street and your neighbours agree, Council can raise the funds in a fair, transparent and equitable way through this special rates and charges scheme,” he said.
“This would only be used if there were no objections, everyone was happy and it helped to get a project done that otherwise wouldn’t be done.”
“The reality is that for this Council, every dollar counts and we make sure ratepayers aren’t asked to pay for things that aren’t going to benefit them.
“On the other hand, if someone asks for something and their neighbours agree and are willing to make a financial contribution, we can facilitate that project without unduly impacting on other ratepayers through this scheme.
“If a project benefits the wider community, Council can chip in for it or cover the cost.
“It’s another way Council can keep costs down for ratepayers while keeping the opportunity open for local projects to move forward.”
For more information or to view the draft revised policy visit Engage Mansfield at