Focused on Stormwater Drains

Published on 12 November 2021

Council has cleaned and inspected 4,012 metres of its stormwater pipeline network.

First, CCTV inspections by a remote robotic crawler captured images of the pipeline to assess its condition. High pressure jetting was then used to disperse silt, dislodge debris and cut intruding roots from stormwater pipes and pits.

Council’s stormwater network is more than 40,000 metres (40km) long. The pipeline network manages rainwater run-off from roads and buildings across the Shire.

High pressure cleaning increases the maximum volume and velocity of flow, which improves performance during wet weather. The CCTV footage and assessment reports help identify potential issues in the pipeline before they cause problems.

Stormwater flows through private drainage systems on properties within the Shire into Council’s stormwater drainage system. Council’s system includes pipes, kerb and channels and open waterways.

Mayor Mark Holcombe said that management of stormwater infrastructure had far-reaching implications.

“Managing water across the Shire improves our flood safety and increases the life of our assets including our road network,” said Mayor Holcombe.

“Effective drainage protects our environment and controls flooding. We proactively manage and maintain our system of more than 40 kilometres across the Shire.”

If you see a blocked drain on Council-owned land report it online at

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