Funding for New Action Group to Support Mental Health

Published on 28 April 2023

Mansfield Shire Council will deliver a Social Inclusion Action Group (SIAG) in 2023 to support local mental health and wellbeing in the community.

The initiative follows recommendation 15 of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System. As a Fast-Track Council through VicHealth’s Local Government Partnership, Mansfield Shire Council will be one of five LGAs across the state to initially roll out the program.

“SIAGs are intended to prevent social exclusion while increasing social inclusion and connection,” said Acting General Manager for Corporate and Community Services, Nola Bales.

“They are also a prevention initiative that will be community led and owned, empowering communities to identify their own needs, make decisions and develop solutions at a local level.”

Through these SIAG ‘collectives’, Council will work with the community to bring together a diversity of local leaders and community members to guide and lead efforts to promote social connection and inclusion, with the aim of preventing social exclusion.

The first five LGAs to roll out the program will be Mansfield, Benalla, Wangaratta, Latrobe, and Frankston. Ongoing funding for staffing, remuneration and flexible funding for initiatives will be provided to each LGA.

Mayor Cr James Tehan said the initiative exemplifies Council’s commitment to a connected and healthy community.

“The delivery of these SIAGs will positively impact the mental health of families across our community,” he said.

“They will provide an opportunity to support grassroots work and build on the strengths of the community to support mental health and wellbeing.”

Funding obtained from the Department of Health to support the program in the amount of $213,334 (annually ongoing and indexable) will be included in the proposed 2023-24 Budget.

For more information contact council’s Community Health & Wellbeing team on 5775 8555 or email

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