Greenvale Lane Childcare Centre

Published on 06 December 2024

A new childcare centre is in the works with the Greenvale Lane development having its slab poured this week.

The development, which was approved by Council at its meeting on 19 September 2023, is the site of a childcare centre that will have spaces for up to 100 children. The site also has received a permit for the building of a potential future 25-metre long indoor pool.

Mayor Cr Steve Rabie said this was an example of Council’s strong town planning in the face of population growth.

“Birth rates have been relatively consistent within the Mansfield Shire over the last eight years with an average birth rate of 73. With more families moving into the area as well, we know we’re experiencing shortages in childcare services that are resulting in waiting lists to get into existing providers,” he said.

This was a smooth process with no objections. This represents good development and great work in the planning space.”

Simon Theobald, (developer), said he could see the local need for the facilities.

“It was great to work with Mansfield Shire Council to meet the community’s need in this space,” he said.

“We have started pouring the slab and we hope to complete construction in time to open early in 2026.”

For more information about Council’s town planning service, contact

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