It’s a Wrap – 2021-22 Annual Report Endorsed by Council
Published on 21 October 2022
The Annual Report of Mansfield Shire Council has been endorsed and is available to read online on Council’s website.
Mayor Cr James Tehan said the report was designed to be easy to read so that ratepayers could understand how their rates were being spent to achieve outcomes across the Shire.
“We had a high performing year despite a challenging operating environment. Our performance was aligned with the community’s expectations and this was reflected in the strong results from the community survey,” said Cr Tehan.
“We delivered $9.5 million of capital works projects supported by significant funding from State and Federal Government. We have advocated strongly to highlight the needs of our community, and we are very happy that these efforts have been successful.
“This is the first year that we’re reporting against the outcomes we set out to achieve in our Council Plan 2021-25. Initiatives included in the Plan will strengthen our community and enhance Council’s long-term sustainability and we are pleased with the progress made over the last year.
“Council achieved a surplus of $4.5 million for the year. This demonstrates that we are continuing to meet our strategic objective to build financial sustainability and offer value for money.”
The annual report highlights the significant challenges and achievements of Council over the 2021-22 year, such as the review of Council’s aged care service, which resulted in Mansfield District Hospital becoming the main provider of home and community care services from 1 July 2022.
The annual report reflects also on the volatility that businesses and community members had to endure with changing restrictions that had a serious impact on the local economy. Council was able to provide direct support to businesses through this period and continue to deliver on our commitments despite restrictions on service delivery.
Download the annual report at