Know Your Council Data Released

Published on 16 November 2022

Mansfield Shire residents are now able to review Council’s performance across a number of service areas following the release of the Know Your Council 2021-2022 data.

Each year, councils across the State submit comprehensive details relating to what they do, how they work, their spending and services to provide a complete overview of their performance. 

Now in its eighth year, the Local Government Sector Performance data has become a useful source of public information provided in a simple and accessible way.

When reviewing the data, Mayor Cr James Tehan said that Council has performed well this year across most areas when compared with other councils. 

“The Know Your Council website rates each council’s performance against the State average and also provides a tool to compare against three other similar councils across selected service areas,” he said.

“I am pleased with the results we have achieved that show an improvement across most service areas.

“For example, our success rate of animals being reclaimed from Council against our neighbours is 87% with the next best result being 54%.  This indicates that our local laws officers are working successfully to return lost animals to their owners.

“Similarly, 91% of Statutory Planning applications were decided within the required timeframes which is greater than the average of all other councils. 

“The Planning team have worked really hard to ensure the turnaround times are consistent with the expectations of our community. This is a great outcome given the increased number of applications lodged over the past 12 months.”

As well as being a tool to check Council’s performance, the Know Your Council website includes details of Mansfield Shire’s profile, demographics, population projections, rating and expenditure. 

Visit to gain a greater understanding of the work Council does to support the community and to review Council’s performance for the 2021-22 period. 

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