Large Resheeting Program Completed
Published on 31 March 2023
Mansfield Shire Council’s Resheeting Program is now complete with 108.8 kms of unsealed gravel roads upgraded over the past two years.
Contractors Alpine Civil Pty Ltd and Extons Pty Ltd have undertaken extensive resheeting works of 94.8 kms of road, with placement of new gravel, grading and drainage works completed despite some challenging weather conditions.
Approximately 112,000 tonnes of gravel material has been placed and compacted, with reshaping of the road surface completed to provide better drainage, smoother travel and less wear and tear on vehicles.
Council’s Field Services team contributed a total of 13,720 tonnes to the above total, which equates to approximately 14km of resheeting.
The comprehensive list of works has resulted in significantly improved unsealed gravel road surfaces for residents, farmers, local businesses and other road users across Mansfield Shire.
“Gravel resheeting is important to maintain the desired road formation and shape,” said Field Services Manager, Ari Croxford-Demasi.
“It improves road longevity and maintenance efficiency for our grading crews, providing better outcomes for road users.
“Importantly, it slows the onset of corrugations and pot holing, reduces dust levels and improves traction for traffic in the winter months.”
Works have been completed on priority sections of the following roads:
- Ancona Road, Ancona
- Banumum Road, Mansfield
- Blue Range Road, Bridge Creek
- Buttercup Road, Merrijig
- Byrne Lane, Barwite
- Carlisle Hill Road, Mansfield
- Coles Road, Woodfield
- Chapel Hill Road, Boorolite
- Comerfords Road, Barwite
- Dry Creek Road, Bonnie Doon
- Dueran Lane, Mansfield
- Glen Creek Road, Bonnie Doon
- Godwills Road, Mansfield
- Gonzaga Lane, Merrijig
- Howes Creek Road, Mansfield
- Howqua River Road, Howqua
- Howqua Track, Howqua Hills
- Hutchinsons Road, Bonnie Doon
- James Street, Bonnie Doon
- Killarney Lane, Boorolite
- Knights Road, Merton
- Lake Nillahcootie, Barjarg
- Lambing Gully Road, Bonnie Doon
- Long Lane (East), Mansfield
- Long Lane (West), Mansfield
- McCormacks Road, Merrijig
- McKees Lane, Maindample
- McLeod Lane, Mansfield
- Monkey Gully Road, Mansfield
- North Creek Road, Merton
- Ohalloran Road, Mansfield
- Old Strathbogie Road, Merton
- Old Tonga Road, Mansfield
- Olivers Road, Mansfield
- Paxtons Lane, Mansfield
- Pikes Road, Mansfield
- Pollards Road, Mansfield
- Purcells Road, Merrijig
- Rifle Butts Road, Mansfield
- Saligari Road, Barwite
- Sandy Creek Road, Barjarg
- Shaws Road, Merton
- Shorts Road, Merton
- Tabletop Road, Tolmie
- The Sideling, Jamieson
- Wairere Road, Boorolite
- Walkers Road, Bridge Creek
- Woolshed Road, Woodfield
Council’s Field Services team with assistance from local contractors have also completed additional road upgrade works at several locations across the Shire roads listed above. The team are currently focused on scoping works for delivery in 2023-24.
The additional road upgrade works completed as part of the program included the selected use of Polycom, a stabilising material that reduces dust and increases surface longevity, which was trialled on Rifle Butts Road. The material has also been used on Buttercup Road where road widening works were completed, increasing the road width from four to five metres along with extensive drainage improvements on the road.
As part of the program, the Ancona Road Bus turnaround was relocated by Extons to allow better access and a safer school pick-up and drop-off location for students and all users.
The road level of Saligari Road has also been raised substantially to alleviate flooding and drainage issues. Works completed by Alpine Civil included culvert replacement, and two additional larger culvert sets being installed to help cope with the heavy drainage flows regularly experienced.
If you have any queries regarding the works, contact Council’s Capital Works team at or phone (03) 5775 8555.