Mansfield Kindergarten Redevelopment & Mechanics Institute Restoration

Published on 30 June 2023

Image - Mechanics Institute Building.jpg

Council is pleased to announce that the Mansfield Kindergarten Redevelopment and Mechanics Institute Restoration project is set to commence construction in the coming weeks.

Mansfield Kindergarten is a community run, early childhood education provider and is now in its 70th year of operation. Increased enrolments in line with Mansfield’s growing population have placed them at or near 100% capacity and triggered the need for expansion of the kindergarten.

In 2018, the volunteer Committee of Management anticipated this and started preparing for the upgrade and expansion of the existing facility. The project is a result of five years of work by the Committee, who have worked hard to secure funding from the State Government to enable completion of the detailed design and tender process, in preparation for redevelopment works. 

Mayor Cr James Tehan said this project will provide many benefits to the community and Council officers have worked closely with the Kindergarten Committee on their plans for redevelopment of the kindergarten and the restoration of the Mechanics Institute.

“This project is essential to meet the demands of our Shire’s growing population,” he said. 

“I would like thank those who have brought this project to life. It’s a testament to the commitment and dedication of everyone involved.

“We look forward to seeing these works commence.”

The project will be delivered in three stages. Stage 1 will restore the Mechanics Institute Building for use as an administration space and multi-purpose community space for after-school and holiday care, playgroup, parent’s group, and general community use outside of kinder hours. 

Stage 2 will see a third classroom with associated amenities constructed at the rear of the kinder, and Stage 3 will involve the renovation and modification of the original kindergarten classroom which is now in its 70th year.

The project will deliver the following outcomes:

  • Increasing Mansfield Kindergarten’s licensed capacity from 62 to 95 places.
  • Delivery of an early childhood education facility that meets current building standards.
  • Restoration of the historic Mechanics Institute for future generations to enjoy as a community hub.

The architectural design work and management has been undertaken by Bent Architecture. Construction will be undertaken by local company Cronin constructions and is scheduled for completion by July 2024.

The volunteer Committee of Management gained funding support for this project through the State Government’s Victorian School Building Authority with a contribution of $1,760,676 from the Building Blocks program, Mansfield Shire Council, and the Bendigo Bank Community Fund. 

If you have any questions in relation to this project, please contact Council’s Capital Works team on 03 5775 8555 or email

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