Mansfield Kindergarten Redevelopment Nears Completion

Published on 03 May 2024

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The extensive redevelopment and expansion of Mansfield Kindergarten has reached a significant milestone, with the kindergarten taking possession of their new, third teaching space at the end of Term 1. 

This additional classroom includes a bathroom, laundry, cleaner's room, two storage rooms and landscaping.

The staff and committee worked hard over the holiday period to transition into the new classroom and allow the building contractor, Cronin Constructions, to commence refurbishment of the original kinder classroom, which is now over 70 years old.

Restoration work is also nearing completion on the Mechanics Institute building, one of Mansfield’s heritage landmarks. This building will provide a new administration area for use by the kindergarten in addition to a multi-purpose space for broader community use.

The redevelopment project is on track for completion towards the end of July. It is funded and supported by the Victorian School Building Authority, Mansfield Shire Council and the Bendigo Bank.

Andrew Setchell passed on thanks and appreciation from the Mansfield Kindergarten Committee for this ongoing support.

Mayor Cr Steve Rabie said Council had worked closely with the Kindergarten project team to deliver the redevelopment for the benefit of local families.

“Mansfield Kindergarten has a long and proud history and we were happy to support the project,” he said.

“It’s exciting to see this amazing redevelopment come to life, with one of Mansfield’s few heritage buildings preserved and given new life.”