More kilometres graded

Published on 02 August 2024

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Already 340km of unsealed roads have been graded by Council during 2024 – a 73km (21%) increase compared with the same period in 2023.

Favourable weather conditions have created more opportunities for grading than usual, and Council crews were ready to make the most of them.

In Victoria’s climate, wet weather in Winter means there are times when grading needs be put on hold. Disturbance of the road surface in wet conditions can create slippery conditions for road users, and would also allow water to enter the underlying road structure and cause damage.

Dan O’Connor, Council’s Acting Manager Field Services, watches the conditions to schedule grading work whenever it can be done.

“Although our work is weather dependant, we make sure to keep our crews and graders ready to go at any opportunity.” he said.

“Our preparation means we were able to get a lot more grading done so far this year, together with a bit of luck from the weather” he said.

When grading can’t go ahead, Council’s crews use their time for other tasks like maintaining the drainage network and filling potholes, which become more important in winter.

“When the graders are not running, it’s not down-time for us. We’re able to clear stormwater pits and pipes across the shire, deal with call-outs and tree clearing faster and do the maintenance that our assets and equipment requires,” said Mr O’Connor.

“The periods when we can’t grade are actually opportunities to get these other jobs done,” he said.

This week Council have completed maintenance grading on Mt Battery Road in Mansfield.

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