NAIDOC Week 2024

Published on 28 June 2024

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NAIDOC Week 2024 is set to be a week full of opportunities for community members to celebrate and learn about the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Mansfield Shire Council has worked closely with the Gadhaba Local Aboriginal Network and Community Bank Mansfield & District to organise a week full of free workshops and events from Sunday 7 July through to Friday 12 July.

The program includes a Welcome to Country and launch event, smoking Ceremony and art display, wetlands walk and ring tree talk, sharing Taungurung culture, films, weaving and pyrography workshops. Every event is free to attend however some have limited places so please register your attendance via

Mayor Cr Steve Rabie said he was pleased to see the great range of events planned for the community during the week.

“NAIDOC Week provides an opportunity to learn about and appreciate our First Nations culture, skills and knowledge,” said Cr Rabie.

“I encourage community members to experience some of the activities Council has worked collaboratively to put together for NAIDOC Week.”