New Footpath and Shared Path Strategy

Published on 19 August 2022

Following community consultation, Council’s Footpath and Shared Path Strategy 2022 has now been finalised. First created in 2016, the reviewed strategy is designed to guide the future expansion of the path network to provide safety, accessibility and connectivity for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.

The strategy aims to provide a framework for the planning and prioritisation of pathway projects within the shire, to identify any perceived gaps and weaknesses, and to put in place a clear and deliberate vision to improve the network over the next 20 years and beyond.

Mayor Cr. James Tehan said the Draft Strategy was made available for consultation via Council’s Engage portal and received an impressive 117 submissions.

“Pleasingly the Strategy has captured and incorporated a great deal of the feedback received including identifying and prioritising the pathway network for each major township (Mansfield, Bonnie Doon, Merton, Goughs Bay, Jamieson, Sawmill Settlement and Woods Point).

This comprehensive review will act as a guide for future planning and budget processes. In addition, several pathways have been included for further investigation.”

The strategy incorporates discrete and prioritised footpath and shared path improvement projects. These priorities are based upon community feedback, location, usage, safety, and gaps in the existing path network.

Along with identifying pathway projects, the strategy also plans for improvements to the Great Victorian Rail Trail, potential pedestrian refuge islands, and recreational projects including a proposed 13km cycling loop around the outskirts of Mansfield. There is also an emphasis on ensuring footpath connectivity during subdivision development planning and construction.

The Department of Transport have provided feedback that has also been implemented in the Strategy.

Council currently has a budget of $381,000 to spend on footpaths and cycleways in the 2022-2023 financial year.

Download a copy of the Footpath and Shared Path Strategy 2022.(PDF, 5MB)

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