New Recycling Service for Woods Point

Published on 12 August 2022


Mansfield Shire Council has worked with its waste contractor to begin a recycling service in Woods Point, starting in September 2022.

Mayor Cr James Tehan said the decision was made in response to residents’ requests for a recycling service.

“The issue was raised by a local resident in a comment left on the Engage Mansfield page for Council’s Climate Action Plan. The resident said: A great start in the smaller towns like Woods Point, Gaffney's Creek and Matlock would be an option to be able to recycle. Currently everything just goes into a skip bin,” Cr Tehan said.

Council was also contacted by a member of the Woods Point Progress Association in a community consultation session on new recycling and waste services in Mansfield Shire.

“With Clean and green: Waste and energy sustainability as one of Council’s strategic objectives, our Climate Action Plan and environment rating highly in the 2040 Community Vision for Mansfield Shire, it was obvious we needed to look into this,” Cr Tehan said.

Council officers investigated and after negotiations with the contractor who currently supplies the general waste skip at Woods Point, Council has confirmed that the contractor will also provide a recycling skip at Woods Point.

The Woods Point Progress Association has been provided with an update on the planned service delivery date.

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