Our Children, Our Future

Published on 05 July 2024

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The recently adopted Municipal Early Years Plan has laid the path for enhancing children’s and families’ wellbeing and development over the next 4 years.

Mansfield Shire Council led the plan’s creation, undertaking thorough engagement with children, parents, families, educators, early childhood experts and service providers in Mansfield.

The plan’s vision centres on 3 core aspirations:

  • Every child enjoys a happy health start in life.
  • Every child is supported to become a confident learner.
  • No child is left behind. Provide early sustained support for those who need it.

Mayor Cr Steve Rabie said the Municipal Early Years Plan shows Council is committed to supporting the next generation.

“As our community grows, it’s so important that we plan and advocate for local programs and greater support,” he said.

“The Municipal Early Years Plan will guide us in ensuring there is adequate health, wellbeing and education opportunities for our children and their families.”

“We knew it was important to make sure the plan reflects our community’s various needs and aspirations, and we’re grateful for all the feedback we received during our community consultation,” Cr Rabie said.

The plan will be implemented between 2024 and 2028, with regular reviews and updates to ensure it continues to meet the evolving needs of the community. 

The Municipal Early Years Plan is available on our website.