Rail Trail renewal works keep an important community asset going

Published on 04 March 2025

Media Release - 2025.02.28 - Rail Trail renewal works keep an important community asset going - Image 1.jpg

Every year, Council performs renewal works on the Great Victorian Rail Trail (GVRT) to keep it safe and pleasant for its many users. Renewal works for 2024-25 were completed in February ahead of the annual Tour de Trail event.

Maintenance grading between Withers Lane and Pikes Road has addressed erosion and soft spots on that section. Low spots were also re-sheeted with new material to restore an even surface, and spoon drains were reshaped where required to manage water flow.

Works were also done in 2024 to remove vegetation overhanging the trail, improving safety and allowing family and friends to ride side by side where safe to do so.

Mayor Cr Steve Rabie said the GVRT is an important recreational asset.

“Many of our residents and visitors use the trail for recreation and fitness, so it’s important that we keep it in good condition,” he said.

“It’s also part of the gateway to Mansfield for anyone travelling along the trail. We want those people to have a good experience when they first arrive so they can fully enjoy our beautiful town and its surrounds,” said Cr Rabie.

The 2024-25 renewal works were funded with $54,800 from Council’s budget.

Ross Vaughan, Secretary of the Friends of the GVRT, said the group was grateful for Council’s continued investment in looking after the trail.

“Mansfield is at the end of one of Victoria’s premier rail trails. The GVRT is a wonderful community asset that locals and visitors can enjoy,” he said.

“Our region’s economy is largely driven by tourism. The rail trail and the community events that take place on it attract participants and visitors from Victoria and interstate to experience what our region has to offer.

“We compete with other rail trails in Northeast Victoria, some of which feature durable, all-weather surfaces. It’s important that we maintain and upgrade our trail, aiming for a consistent surface along the whole length.

“As a volunteer group we promote the rail trail and advocate for funding to further develop and improve it. We also work on the trail to improve its appeal and the user experience, and we receive overwhelmingly positive feedback from users.

“We’re pleased that Council values the trail and it’s satisfying to see investment in maintaining it continuing,” said Mr Vaughan.

The GVRT has attracted nearly 60,000 users in Mansfield Shire alone since June 2024. It is most popular in the warmer months from October to April, and hosts several events during the year.

The Tour de Trail (2 March 2025) is a family friendly bike ride with the choice of two destinations. Departing from Mansfield, participants can either ride 28km to Maindample or 44km to Bonnie Doon. Registrations for the 2025 event indicate that 95% of participants come from outside the local area – visitors who are likely to bring more business for accommodation and dining providers in Mansfield.

Coming up later in March is the Lake High Great Victorian Walk for Autism (22 March 2025), where teams of 2 to 10 walk either 15 or 30 kilometres along the trail to raise funds for Mansfield Autism Services.

In May, the Mansfield Athletics Club hosts the annual Mansfield Marathon along the trail, taking advantage of its excellent surface for running.

For information on upcoming events on the GVRT, visit mansfieldmtbuller.com.au or follow the Friends of the Great Victorian Rail Trail on Facebook.