Roundabout Gets a New Winter Display

Published on 29 April 2022

Roundabout garden - Garden bed.jpg

Council is re-planting the High Street roundabout garden to bring a splash of colour in the winter season. The new display features pansies in purple, white, and orange, which will grow to a height of roughly 25cm over the next few weeks.

Mansfield Shire Council Parks and Gardens Supervisor Lauren McGinty said the vibrant arrangement was chosen to bring colour into the heart of Mansfield over the colder months. 

“I hope it gives people a smile as the drive past and helps them feel a little brightened inside when they see it,” said Ms McGinty.

The team of seven maintain all parks, gardens and open spaces across Mansfield Shire. The roundabout garden is refreshed twice a year for the summer and winter seasons, with special attention paid to the reduction of waste.

“The geraniums we planted for the previous season are poorly suited to cold weather and frost, so we’re relocating them to Council’s nursery where we can care for them over winter,” said Lauren.

Mayor James Tehan acknowledged the pride residents feel for the High Street roundabout as the town’s focal point and a welcoming attraction for visitors.

“The Mansfield roundabout is iconic and contributes to what makes Mansfield a beautiful place to live in and visit. The community always looks forward to seeing a fresh display at the roundabout and the care and creativity of the team that nurture that attraction is clear,” said Cr Tehan.

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