Mansfield Shire Council is committed to removing barriers and increasing opportunities for people with a disability.
We are NRS friendly so if you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment you can call through the National Relay Service (NRS).
Internet relay users can connect to NRS at: Opens in new window ask for 03 5775 8555.
Council's Access and Inclusion Charter is a set of principles, goals and responsibilities that outlines the way in which Council commits to work in order to remove barriers and provide equity of access to Council services, facilities and employment for all community members.
Our community is made up of people from diverse backgrounds, knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and abilities. Each person has the inherent right to be heard, to participate, to be respected and to have the same opportunities as others. Some community members face barriers to physical access, information and communication as a result of a disability, while others may experience cultural or language barriers.
The Access and Inclusion Charter is based on key documents that recognise the rights of all people. These documents include:
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948);
- The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with a Disability (2006);
- The Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992;
- The Victorian Equal Opportunity Act 1995;
- The Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 and
- The Victorian Disability Act 2006.
The Access and Inclusion Charter was adopted by Council in December 2011. By adopting this Charter, Council is acknowledging its commitment to compliance with all of the key documents, together with its commitment to ensuring that its services, facilities and planning strategies are inclusive and accessible to all.
Mansfield Shire Council's Access and Inclusion Charter(PDF, 3MB) Opens in new window
To attract customers who have a disability, small changes can make your business more accessible. Many of these ideas are easy to put into practice, however some will need professional advise to they are done according to the regulations.
The accompanying checklist will assist you to look at the accessibility of your business. By identifying areas where a small change, with minimal or no expense, can make a big difference to all customers, you can increase your customer base.
Further information
Contact the Council on 03 5775 8555
Good Access = Good Business Guide(PDF, 8MB) Opens in new window
Good Access = Good Business Checklist(PDF, 361KB) Opens in new window
The Rural Access initiative aims to increase the participation of people with disabilities in their local communities. It is a partnership between the Department of Human Services and local government across Victoria.
Rural Access takes a community development approach, working in partnership with the community to increase inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in the life of their local community. The Rural Access Officer assists the community to plan and develop strategies to improve access and inclusion across the full range of community infrastructure including education and training, transport, health, accommodation and housing, physical access planning, sport, recreation and the arts.
Further information
Phone the Council on (03) 5775 8555
The NDIS is Australia's new way of providing individualised support for people with disability, their families and carers. It provides eligible people with a flexible, whole-of-life approach to the support needed to pursue their goals and aspirations and participate in daily life.
Visit the NDIS website Opens in new window
VicRoads has updated the Disability Parking Scheme. All applications must be made online via VicRoads:
Accessible Parking Permits Opens in new window
If you require assistance, please call Council on 5775 8555.
Latrobe Community Health Services
Latrobe Community Health Services (LCHS) is the local area coordination service for the Mansfield Shire providing Local Area Coordination (LAC).
Visit the LCHS website Opens in new window
Merri Health Services
Helping children with development delay or a disability. MerriKids support children with a development delay or disability to learn, develop and reach their full potential. We will work with your family when and where it suits you, including at home, at childcare, kindergarten, school and other community settings.
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Mansfield Support Group for Carers and People with Special Needs Inc
A support group for carers of people with special needs in the Mansfield Shire.
Phone: 0428 410 883
Mansfield Statewide Autism Services (MASS)
MASS is an independent not for profit organisation supporting young people and their families who are living with Autism.
Visit Opens in new window
Yooralla Services Mansfield
A world where people with a disability are equal citizens. Yooralla supports people with disability to live independent and fulfilling lives.
Visit Opens in new window
Scope is a not-for-profit organisation providing disability services throughout Victoria.
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Regional Disability Advocacy Service (RDAS)
The Regional Disability Advocacy Service (RDAS) is a not-for-profit organisation that assists people with a disability living in the Oven Murray district of North East Victoria and the Murrumbidgee district of Southern NSW. This service provides free and independent advocacy and information to anyone with a disability, of any age to ensure equality of rights and increased integration into the community. RDAS can assist people to find services that will meet your needs and link you into service of your choice.
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