Health & Wellbeing Resources
Explore a variety of resources and services aimed at supporting community health and wellbeing.
Gateway Health - Drug and Alcohol Counselling Service
Phone: 1300 022 760
This is a free and confidential service available to people of any age. You do not need a Health Care or Medicare card to access this service. Counsellors are based at Gateway Health in Wangaratta & Wodonga.
If you would like to see a Gateway Health AOD counsellor contact Australian Community Services Organisation (ACSO) regional AOD Intake Line on 1300 022 760 and complete an intake to find out more about your needs.
Gateway Health - Youth Alcohol and Other Drug Outreach
Phone: 1300 332 022
Gateway Health's youth alcohol and other drug outreach workers provide young people aged 12 to 25 a free and confidential treatment service that is tailored to meet their needs. You don't need a Health Care or Medicare card to access this service. Located at Gateway Health in Wangaratta and Wodonga, and provide regular outreach services Mansfield.
Centre Against Violence - Centre Against Sexual Assault (CVA - CASA)
Phone: 5722 2203
A government funded Family Violence and Sexual Assault service located in Wangaratta, Wodonga and Benalla, providing services accros the Ovens Murray region including Mansfield, Coorying and Myrtleford.
The Centre Against Violence offers free, specialist family violence crisis intervention services and short term case management to all people, including LGBTQIA+ people and children, who are experiencing current family violence crisis. The Centre Against Violence – Centre Against Sexual Assault provides support for people who have experienced or have been impacted by sexual assault both recently and in the past.
Gateway Health Gambler's Help
Phone: 1300 332 022
Gambler’s Help services are available to anyone impacted by gambling – including the person who is gambling, their family members, friends, employers, colleagues or other people who are affected.
Services are free and confidential and available through Gateway Health across North East Victoria from our offices in Wodonga and Wangaratta. We can also travel to meet you closer to home.
Gateway Health - Gender Service (Please note this is not a crisis service, if you need help urgently call 000)
Phone: 1800 657 573
155 High Street, Wodonga, 3690
The Gender Service provides assessment and referral for medical affirmation and psychosocial support for trans and gender diverse children and adolescents aged 8 to 16 years.
Wellways Locals
Phone: 1800 000 842
31 Highett St, Mansfield, 3722
Walk-ins available Monday, Wednesday and Friday
The service aims to empower you to engage in a variety of community-based activities to improve social connection and reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. If you’re 26+ and would like to improve your social connections and wellbeing, this service is for you.
Wellways Psychosocial Recovery Service - Wangaratta
Phone: 5822 8600
Room 1, 52 Carrier Street, Benalla 3672
Psychosocial Recovery Service for age 16+ supporting individuals with mental health issues to achieve their recovery goals. This may include support to manage daily life, participate in the community, connect with others, secure work and housing. You may refer yourself or be referred by carers, friends and/or families or GPs and other service providers in the region.
Phone: 5775 3161
82A Malcolm St Mansfield, 3722
Respite for carers of people who have a life limiting illness, from a few hours to week long stays. Can be paid for via packages or by emergency programs. Other services available including community outreach, equipment loans, bereavement support, volunteer training and more.
Community Connections Officer
The senior community are being supported by the Community Connections Officer until June 2025. This role provides community support and engagement, assists with social connectedness and service access and helps Council monitor the availability and access to services and identify gaps that require advocacy and planning. You can contact the Community Connections Officer on (03) 5775 8515 or jill.o'
Vulnerable Persons Register
Council provide support and monitoring for the vulnerable, aged and disabled community members through the vulnerable persons register and health promotional activities. Please contact the Emergency Management Officer on (03) 5775 8558
Beyond Blue - Information and support for depression and anxiety.
Blackdog Institute - Mental Health resources and support tools.
headspace -Mental health support services for young people aged 12 - 25 years old.
Kids helpline - Support services for young people aged 5 - 25.
Lifeline - 24 hour telephone counselling service - phone 13 11 14.
MensLine Australia - free telephone and online counselling service offering support for Australia men.
Mental Health Australia - National non-government organisation promoting the mental health sector.
Q life - Trusted people to turn to for LGBTIQ+ support.
Reachout - There for young people to chat anonymously and get support.
Suicide Call Back Service - 24/7 support for people affected by suicide.
SuicideLine Victoria - 24/7 telehealth service that offers free professional phone and online counselling services.
In case of an emergency, please call 000 for assistance.