Rates & Charges Explained


Rates and charges are an important source of revenue to Council. We depend on this income to maintain the services, assets and infrastructure our community depends on. 

Rates due dates

Rates and charges payable by instalments. The due dates for 2024-25 are:

  • 30 September 2024
  • 30 November 2024
  • 28 February 2025
  • 31 May 2025

Interest will apply on all overdue amounts unless payment is received on or before the due date. Interest is set at 10% and accrues from the relevant instalment due date until date of payment. Section 172(2) (a) of the Local Government Act 1989 requires that interest on unpaid rates and charges is to be calculated at the rate fixed under Section 2 of the Penalty Interest Rates Act 1983. The Penalty Interest Rate is set annually by the Attorney-General.

Rate cap

The State Government have introduced the Fair Go Rates System (FGRS) which sets out the maximum amount councils may increase the average rates per property in a year. For 2024-25 the FGRS cap has been set at 2.75%. The cap applies to both general rates and municipal charges. The Municipal Association of Victoria has prepared a short video describing how rate capping works.  

Video source: Municipal Association of Victoria

Differential rates

A property is allocated a differential rate category based on the primary use of the property.

Rate revenue is calculated by applying a rate in the dollar to all the Capital Improved Values (CIV) of rateable properties. As Council utilises the Differential Rating system, there may be different rates in the dollar for each separate rating category. The rating categories are determined based on the primary use of the property and are titled – Farmland, Residential, Rural Residential, Vacant Land, and Commercial. 

Revenue and Rating Plan 2021-25(PDF, 3MB)

If you believe your property is being rated under the incorrect differential category, please contact us.

For further information see the Council Budget.

Your Rate Notice explained

The "Your Rates and Charges" flyer explains how rates are set and calculated, how waste charges are changing and how every $100 of your rates is spent.

Your Rates and Charges(PDF, 6MB)

Rate Notice Example

How Rates are Calculated

Rate calculations are based on the Capital Improved Value (CIV) of each individual property. The formula for calculating general rates, excluding any additional charges or arrears, is:

General Rates = CIV x Rate in the CIV Dollar

The rate in the CIV dollar is set by Council as part of its annual budget process and may include differential rates for different types of properties, such as Farmland, Residential, Rural Residential, Vacant Land and Commercial.


Farm Land as defined in Sec. 2 (1) of the Valuation of Land Act 1960 No. 6653 which states: -

(a) That the property is not less than 2 hectares in area, and

(b) That it is used primarily for grazing (including agistment), dairying, pig farming, poultry farming, fish farming, tree farming, bee keeping, viticulture, horticulture, fruit growing or crops of any kind or for any combination of those activities, and

(c) That it is used by a business:

(i) That has a significant and substantial commercial purpose or character, and

(ii) That seeks to make a profit on a continuous or repetitive basis from its activities on the land, and

(iii) That is making a profit from its activities on the land, or that has reasonable prospect of making a profit from its activities on the land if it continues to operate in the way that it is operating.                  

If you believe your property should be classified as ‘Farmland' you may apply to the Council by completing and returning the Application to Rate Property as Farmland(PDF, 422KB).

Municipal Charge

Council declares a Municipal Charge each year to cover some of the administrative costs of the Council. The charge is a fixed amount and applies to all properties within the Shire. The Local Government Act 1989 requires that the total revenue received from the Municipal Charge must not exceed 20% of the sum of the total revenue from general rates plus the Municipal Charge.

The Municipal Charge for the 2024-25 financial year has been set at $347.00 per rateable property.

Application for Municipal Charge Exemption form(PDF, 206KB).

Single Farm Enterprise Exemption

Where a Single Farm Enterprise is conducted on several properties, only one Municipal Charge is payable for that Farm Enterprise.

To apply for the Single Farm Enterprise Exemption, please complete and return the Application for Single Farm Enterprise Exemption form(PDF, 217KB).(PDF, 217KB)


 All property valuations are undertaken annually by the Valuer-General Victoria.

Property owners have a right under the Valuation of Lands Act 1960 to object to the valuation of their property.

To lodge an objection online, click here or complete one of the objection forms below and return within two months of the issue of the Annual rate notice.

See more information from the Valuer General Victoria.

Amalgamation of Property

If you receive multiple rates notices for properties/parcels of land which share a boundary fence and are owned by the same person, you may amalgamate your property for rating purposes.This would enable you to receive only one Rate Notice.

(PDF, 167KB)

Pensioner Rate Concessions

Concessions programs are designed to ensure eligible cardholders have access to essential services. Eligible concession card holders may receive a reduction of Council rates up to the maximum amount of $259.50, as set by the Department of Health and Human Services 2024-25, and $50 for Fire Services Property Levy rebate.

Check if you are eligible for a concession

Pensioners who received a rate rebate last year, and who are still eligible, will find the current rebate has been calculated and deducted automatically from their rates notice. If this is the case, no further application is required.
Eligible cardholders (Pensioner Concession Card or Gold TPI or War Widow Cards) who reside at the property and did not receive a rebate last year, or who do not have the concession shown on their rates notice, must make application on the required form to Council by 30 June each year. 

To apply for the Pensioner Concession on your rates and charges, please complete and return the Pension Concession Application Form. The concession does not apply to Health Care Card holders.

Fire Services Property Levy (FSPL)

From 1 July 2013, the Victorian Government replaced the insurance-based fire services levy, as recommended by the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission.

Rather than contributing through insurance premiums, a property-based levy is now collected with council rates. Eligible pensioners and veterans also receive a $50 concession.

The Fire Services Property Levy funds vital life saving equipment, firefighters, staff and volunteers, training, infrastructure and community education.

All revenue collected through the Fire Services Property Levy goes to supporting the State’s fire services.

The FSPL is made up of two parts: 

  • A fixed charge on each property; and
  • A variable charge based on the property’s capital improved value

Details of the FSPL are included on the council annual valuation, rates and charges notice including how the levy has been calculated. Check that your Levy has been calculated correctly.

View more information on the Fire Services Property Levy. 

Trust for Nature - Conservation Covenant Rate Rebate

A conservation covenant is a voluntary agreement between Trust for Nature and the landowners. It is placed on the title of the land to ensure that the natural bushland is permanently protected. The Council offers a rate rebate to landowners who register a Trust for Nature conservation covenant on their property. 

The rebate acknowledges the long-term commitment of these landowners to conserving the biodiversity on their land. Landowners will receive a rebate of up to $25 per hectare of land placed under covenant. The total rebate will depend on the rated value of the covenanted area, with a minimum payment of $50 and a maximum payment of $500.

View further information on conservation covenants at the Trust for Nature website.

Land Tax

The State Revenue Office (SRO) uses the site value assessment on your rates notice for the purpose of assessing land tax. All enquiries relating to a Land Tax Assessment notice should be directed to the State Revenue Office in the first instance. If the enquiry relates to the valuation, the SRO will refer the matter to the appointed contract valuer.

Council has little to no involvement with Land Tax. If the SRO has directed you to Council, please request they provide you with something in writing, describing a summary of what is being requested of Council.

Payment options

Multiple options are available to pay your rates as explained on your Rate Notice.

Pay your rates

Get your Rate Notice by email

By receiving your Rate Notice electronically, it helps us to achieve cost efficiency, improves customer service and is better for the environment. Contact Council to register your details, and your next Rate Notice will be emailed to you.

Rates FAQs

I have moved, how do I update my details?

Where can I get information on my property title or a Land Information Certificate?

Land Information Certificates are provided at a fee. Please complete this application and send it to us:

Land-Information-Certificate-Form.pdf(PDF, 282KB)

Why are my rates so expensive compared with Melbourne?

Our shire has a large land area (3,843 square kilometres). We have a vast road network (over 580km of unsealed road and 240 km of sealed roads and infrastructure) and unlike larger metropolitan municipalities, our shire has fewer ratepayers to share the costs of upgrading and maintaining the assets and services we depend on as a community. Council bases its rate calculation on the Capital Improved Value (CIV) of each individual property. Each property is assessed by the contracted Valuer to determine the CIV. If you think the CIV is too high or too low, you may object to the valuation.

Why is my property valuation so high?

To determine property values throughout the municipality, a qualified valuer is engaged annually by the Valuer General Victoria. The contracted valuer assesses the market value of each property as at 1 January. Property sales, rental data, land type, buildings and their condition as well as other property improvements are analysed as part of the valuation process.

Property owners have a right under the Valuation of Land Act 1960 to object to the valuation of their property. An Objection form is available and must be lodged within two months of the issue of the annual rate notice.

Can I pay my rates in full on the 15th February?

Mansfield Shire Council elected Four (4) Instalments option for Rates & Charges Notices. 

However, payments are accepted, weekly, fortnightly, monthly or on the due date.  Annual payments must be made prior to the due date to avoid interest charges.

The due dates are

  • 30 September
  • 30 November
  • 28 February
  • 31 May

For more information, see

Local Government Act 1989

No. 11 of 1989

Part 8—Rates and Charges on Rateable Land

Division 2—Payment of rates and charges

167 Payment of rates and charges

(1) A Council must allow a person to pay a rate or charge (other than a special rate or charge) in 4 instalments.

(2) An instalment is due and payable on the date fixed by the Minister by notice published in the Government Gazette.

How do I name a road or a feature in the Municipality?

Council has delegated authority under the Local Government Act 1989 to Name and Address properties. Strict statutory guidelines need to be followed when naming roads, features and localities.

The Office of Geographic Names (OGN) has released the booklet  “Naming rules for places in Victoria” to help understand the process. A review of their website will give you a better understanding of what is allowed and not allowed and will assist you with the procedure.

Naming rules for places in Victoria

To request a name, please complete Road and Street Naming Application and submit to Council.

Please ensure that your submission meets the directions as outlined by OGN.

Road and Street Naming Application

What is the community waste charge on my rates and do I have to pay it?

The Community Waste Charge is an annual charge that is applied to all rateable properties including vacant land without a kerbside waste and recycling collection service. The Charge ensures that all ratepayers within the Shire are effectively contributing to all community waste initiatives within the municipality.

The charge is declared for the recovery of costs of the following:

• Maintenance cleaning of all street and public bins

• Maintenance of Council’s Resource Recovery Centre

 • Waste Education Initiatives across the municipality

 • Litter control

• Visitor waste management program

 • Maintenance and servicing of all public place waste/ recycle infrastructure

The Community Waste Charge is a non optional charge.

How do I get a copy of my Rates Notice?

Contact Customer Service on 03 5775 8555. A reprinting fee of $10 (GST free) will be charged per Rates Notice.


How do I name a road or a feature in the Municipality?

Council has delegated authority under the Local Government Act 1989 to Name and Address properties. Strict statutory guidelines need to be followed when naming roads, features and localities.

The Office of Geographic Names (OGN) has released the booklet  “Naming rules for places in Victoria” to help understand the process. A review of their website will give you a better understanding of what is allowed and not allowed and will assist you with the procedure.

Naming rules for places in Victoria

To request a name, please complete Road and Street Naming Application and submit to Council.

Please ensure that your submission meets the directions as outlined by OGN.

Road and Street Naming Application(PDF, 160KB)


What are the requirements to lodge an Adverse Possession?


Further information

Contact Council if you require any further information.