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Health and Wellbeing services directory

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Vulnerable Persons Register

Council provide support and monitoring for the vulnerable, aged and disabled community members through the vulnerable persons register and health promotional activities. Please contact the Emergency Management Officer on (03) 5775 8558

Community Connections Officer

The senior community are being supported by the Community Connections Officer until June 2025. This role provides community support and engagement, assists with social connectedness and service access and helps Council monitor the availability and access to services and identify gaps that require advocacy and planning. You can contact the Community Connections Officer on (03) 5775 8515 or jill.o'

Support Services

Beyond Blue - Information and support for depression and anxiety.

Blackdog Institute - Mental health resources and support tools.

headspace - Mental health support services for young people aged 12 - 25 years old.

Kids helpline - Support services for young people aged 5 - 25.

Lifeline - 24 hour telephone counselling service - phone 13 11 14

Mensline - Support for Australian men.

Mental Health Australia - National non-government organisation promoting the mental health sector 

Q Life- Trusted people to turn to for LGBTIQ+ support.

Reachout - There for young people to chat anonymously and get support.

Suicide Call Back Service - 24/7 support for people affected by suicide.

SuicideLine Victoria - 24/7 telehealth service that offers free professional phone and online counselling services.