Whats on?
Below is a list of activities and events that have been delivered or supported by the Mansfield Social Inclusion Action Group.
Farmers market 2024
The Mansfield SIAG set up a stall at the Farmers Market on Saturday, November 23, 2024. Community members visited and shared their ideas on social inclusion activities they would like to see in the area. Valuable community insights, knowledge, and suggestions emerged from these interactions. The stall proved to be an excellent opportunity to connect with and meet community members. The SIAG agreed that it would be beneficial to make this an annual event on their calendar.
Successful initiative funding
The Mansfield SIAG provided funding to 12 different community groups for 13 social inclusion initiatives in 2024. Through an application process community groups organising new and existing programs to enhance social inclusion could apply for funding up to $5000. Applications had to align with the SIAG objectives of prevent social exclusion, increase social inclusion and increase social connection. The 2024 successful applicants for SIAG funding opportunity were:
- Mansfield Living with Parkinson's Support Group - lunch meetings
- MDH Respond Project - Mighty Movers school holiday program
- Mansfield Armchair Cinema - View, Chat and Chew monthly movie event
- Cycling without Age - Contribution to trishaw
- Merton Recreation and Memorial Hall Reserve - Digital Drop in Cafe
- Anglican Parish of Mansfield - Plant and Pick
- Mansfield Badminton Association - Hall hire and equipment
- The Goughs Bay Area Progress Association - program activities
- Mansfield Let's Talk - 12 coffee and chat sessions
- Mansfield Social Table Tennis - 2 all ability table tennis tables
- Active Dads - Activities program
- Jamieson Community Group - Community welcome package
- Jamieson Community Group - Autumn Festival activities