Domestic Waste Collection


To ensure that your bin is collected on the scheduled collection day, please note the following:

  • Bins should be placed near the kerb or roadside, facing the road and placed no less than 1 metre apart.
  • Bins should be placed out for collection the night before your collection day. Late bins will not be collected.
  • Do not overfill or compact your bins as they may not be collected (Council’s contractor will not return for bins that weren't completely emptied because they were tightly compacted).
  • Bins must not be left outside for more than one day before or after the designated collection day.

Further information about our bin collection service including what should and shouldn’t be placed in your garbage and recycling bins can be found in our Waste Collection Conditions of Supply and Service(PDF, 48KB).

Non optional services (Garbage, Recycling and Food Organics and Garden Organics)

Non optional services (Garbage, Recycling and Food Organics and Garden Organics)

We provide a weekly waste and fortnightly kerbside recycling service to all properties with a dwelling located in the designated service area. 

A green bin (FOGO) collection service has also been introduced in urban areas, collected fortnightly, alternating with the yellow bin.

Kerbside services for these properties are non-optional and are required to pay the annual waste, recycle and green/FOGO charges as part of the property rates.

The 2024-25 charges are:

Waste bin (red lids)

  • 240 litre - $518.16
  • 120 litre - $259.08
  • 80 litre - $172.72

Recycle bin (yellow lid)

  • 240 litre - $137.87

Green/FOGO Bin (green lid)

  • 240 litre - $98.69



Community Waste Charge

The Community Waste Charge is an annual charge that is applied to all rateable properties, including vacant land without a kerbside waste and recycling collection service. The Charge ensures that all ratepayers are effectively contributing to all community waste initiatives within the municipality.

The annual charge helps to cover expenses beyond kerbside collection, including the maintenance of Council's Resource Recovery Centre and waste education initiatives throughout the municipality.

Please note that this charge is non-optional.



I don't need a rubbish bin, can I just have a recycling bin?

No, rubbish, recycling and green bins are part of a combined service and cannot be separated.

I have a holiday home and don't put my bins out very often. Do I still need to pay for bins on my rates?

Rubbish, recycling and FOGO charges are levied to all properties with a dwelling situated along the collection route, regardless of whether the service is required or utilised. Placing bins out for collection is discretionary.

I don't need a rubbish pick up, do I have to be part of the rubbish and recycling collection?

It is not optional to participate in Council's rubbish, recycling and FOGO collection service. All properties within the designated service area, with a dwelling, are required to receive the service.

Can I have bins on my Vacant Land?

No, a vacant property does not have a waste charge applied to their rates and therefore is not eligible for a waste entitlement.

What do I need to apply for a new bin service at my property?

When can I change the size of my rubbish bin?

Ratepayers can change the size of their rubbish bin once per year during the month of May only. New property owners can change the size of their rubbish bin on one occasion at any time during the first year of ownership.