Green Bin/FOGO Collection Service


From July 2024, a new green bin collection service was introduced in urban areas in Mansfield Shire.

Separately processing Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) waste allows it to be diverted from landfill and instead creates a compost product that can be reused for agriculture and landscaping.

The existing red and yellow bin collection frequency will remain unchanged.

The new green bin is collected fortnightly, alternating with the yellow bin. It can be used for items such as food scraps, bones, grass clippings, branches and other plant matter.

Introducing the green bin is something we heard from our community engagement that is needed in townships. It helps make our shire cleaner, healthier and more environmentally friendly.

Who receives a green bin?

Depending on where you live, you will have received a green bin automatically or you may be able to opt-in to the service.

This approach was developed based on community feedback, with consideration for the many properties that may not need a green bin.

View roll-out areas

Properties automatically receiving a green bin are marked green. Properties eligible to opt-in are marked orange.

If you're still not sure how your property is affected or you have other questions, please contact Council by phone or email. See contact details below.

Next steps

Application forms

Delivering the service

If you apply for a green bin, you will receive your new 240L bin within the following fortnight.

The 240L Green bins will be collected fortnightly from July 2024, alternating with the yellow bin.

The existing red and yellow bin collection service will continue unchanged.