Pottery Scholarships Program


Mansfield Shire Youth and Future Proof are excited to team up with the Mansfield and District MAD Potters to deliver three Pottery Scholarships through our new CREATE program (Community REbuilding through Art Training and Education).

Open to ages 12 -25.

Each Pottery Scholarship winner will receive the following

  • 8 Hour Master Potter workshop with award winning potter Fleur Schell
  • Dinner & Master potter presentation
  • Breakfast & Master potter presentation
  • Pottery pack from MAD Potters
  • 1 year membership to MAD Potters (18+) including studio access
  • Invitation to Poets of Pottery opening
  • Selling opportunity through MAD Potters at Mansfield Pottery Market

There will be three scholarships available

  • Mansfield Secondary College
  • Mansfield Steiner School
  • Open scholarship awarded by MAD Potters - Winner will be drawn randomly so everyone has a chance!


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