Find out how to contact Council.
Let us know about anything in the community that needs our attention.
Learn about Mansfield and its surrounds, including an acknowledgement of our traditional owners.
To support Council in its functions, an Executive Management Team is appointed to administer staff and the operational activities of Council.
It’s your Shire, and we’re listening - have your say and stay up to date on what matters to you. Contribute to current projects and find out what is happening with previous consultations.
The values that drive our Council and administration in the day to day functions.
The full list of Mansfield Shire Council fees and charges.
Find out council meeting dates, search for agendas, minutes and related attachments and ask a question at an ordinary council meeting.
Information on Internal and External Committees of Mansfield Shire Council.
Councillors are elected to form a Council for a four year term. The current Council term expires in October 2028.
Information on Governance at Mansfield Shire Council, including Freedom of Information, Public Interest Disclosures and Public Information.
Find out about Council elections, standing for council, voting and more.
Advice on Australia Day Celebrations, Citizen Awards and how to apply for Australian Citizenship.
Find out what makes Mansfield Shire Council the best place to work in regional Victoria.
Find our plans and policies which guide how we work.