Several of our locations will be closed on Labour Day (10 March 2025).
In its performance of its role, Mansfield Shire Council must give effect to the overarching governance principles and supporting principles set out in Section 9 of the Local Government Act 2020. To do this we have a Good Governance framework that covers the culture, systems, processes, policies and practices developed to deliver efficient and effective decisions, services and facilities so that they meet the community’s objectives.
We support and encourage the empowerment and participation of children and young people
Find out about our service commitment to you and how Council is working to put our customers first.
Councillors are committed to working together according to the best interests of the people. Read more about the Code of Conduct.
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 provides you with a legal right to access documents in the possession of the Council.
The Local Government Act 2020 requires Councillors and Nominated Officers of Mansfield Shire Council to complete Personal Interest Returns.
Council makes a range of documents available for public inspection, as governed by The Local Government Act 2020 and the Local Government (Governance and Integrity) Regulations 2020.
Access Council’s current Instruments of Delegation.
Gender equality and inclusiveness in the workplace will be achieved when all our staff, present and future, have equal access to resources, opportunities and rewards regardless of their gender and social identity.
Find out how to submit a petition to Mansfield Shire Council.