Customer Service Commitment

Council is committed to providing exceptional service to its customers.

Customer Service Charter

Council has adopted a Customer Service Charter which outlines a set of minimum service standards all staff endeavour to abide by.

Council's Customer Service Standards ensure

  • Staff are polite and courteous to customers at all times,
  • That enquiries are responded to in a prompt and timely manner, and
  • That information provided is correct.

Council commits to returning phone calls within 24 hours, or the next working day, and responding to written correspondence within 10 working days.

In return, Council expects to be given the level of courtesy from customers that is promised to them.

Customer Service Charter(PDF, 2MB)

Customer Service Online Requests

Council is committed to providing residents with the highest standard of service. To ensure requests for service are monitored and actioned, Council operates a Customer Request Management System.

Submit an online request by entering all relevant details. You will be given a request number so that you can track your request.

Please note: These requests are monitored during business hours from Monday to Friday.

Submit an Online Request


If you are not entirely satisfied with the service you have received from Council, or you wish to air a concern, you are invited to put your complaint in writing and forward to Council. 

Council welcomes feedback and sees it as an opportunity to improve its service to the community. Council continues to monitor its performance and aims to improve as much as possible.

Your written complaints, concerns or feedback can be posted to:

Mansfield Shire Council
Private Bag 1000, Mansfield, VIC 3722

Or emailed to:

Wherever possible, Council will aim to resolve a customer’s complaint at the customer’s first point of contact with Council. All complaints received are managed in accordance with Council's Complaint Resolution Policy and Procedure.

Complaints Handling Policy(PDF, 1MB)

Each complaint will be acknowledged and recorded and the complainant provided with a complaint number. All complaints will be assessed without undue delay and investigated with regard to the framework of natural justice and procedural fairness where appropriate.

Where a complaint cannot be resolved within 10 business days, the receiving officer will negotiate with the complainant a timeframe for the resolution of the complaint.

Complainants will be kept informed of the progress and outcome of their complaint (subject to the principles of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014).

If the matter is not resolved to the complainant's satisfaction, the receiving officer will liaise with the appropriate departmental manager to facilitate a review and, where required, further investigation.  Where a complaint is still not able to be resolved by the departmental manager, the complaint will be listed for action by the Chief Executive Officer.  When a complaint is not able to be satisfactorily resolved by Council, the complainant will be advised to refer their complaint to an agency external to Mansfield Shire Council.

All complaints will be treated with appropriate respect for confidentiality and privacy. Publication of information relating to complaints about Council officers will be limited to that prescribed by legislation.  More information about complaints can be found on the Victorian Ombudsman website.

Victorian Ombudsman website


My local Council: if something is not right, who do I complain to?


This video explains which integrity agency you can complain to about issues and suspected wrongdoing with Council matters, Councillors and local government officials. 

Council keeps a complaints register on file for public view.