Council Plans Annual Report 2021-22(PDF, 7MB)Asset Plan 2021-2031(PDF, 6MB)Bonnie Doon Plan(PDF, 3MB)Botanic Park Masterplan(PDF, 7MB)Budget 2024-25(PDF, 4MB)Community Vision 2040(PDF, 3MB)Council Plan 2021-25(PDF, 6MB)Council Plan 2021-25 Plan on a Page(PDF, 2MB)Financial Plan 2021-2031(PDF, 2MB)Mansfield Municipal Early Years Plan 2024-28(PDF, 1MB)Merton Plan(PDF, 2MB)Municipal Public Health Wellbeing Action Plan 2021-2025(PDF, 1MB)Onsite Wastewater Management PlanRevenue and Rating Plan 2021-25(PDF, 3MB)Station Precinct Masterplan(PDF, 4MB)Tree Management Plan(PDF, 1MB)
Council Policies Acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians of Land Policy(PDF, 931KB)Administration of Grant Income Policy(PDF, 548KB)Asset Management Policy(PDF, 975KB)Auspice Arrangements Policy(PDF, 331KB)Borrowing & Debt Management Policy(PDF, 323KB)Carry Forward Projects Policy(PDF, 242KB)CEO Employment and Remuneration Policy(PDF, 1MB)Child Safe Policy(PDF, 326KB)Commemorative Plaques and Other Markers Policy(PDF, 313KB)Community Engagement Policy(PDF, 2MB)Community Grants Policy(PDF, 345KB)Community Initiated Projects Policy(PDF, 297KB)Complaints Handling Policy(PDF, 1MB)Conflict of Interest Policy(PDF, 328KB)Council Expenses Policy(PDF, 2MB)Customer Service Charter(PDF, 2MB)Disposal or Sale of Council Assets Policy(PDF, 316KB)Election Caretaker Period Policy(PDF, 342KB)Emergency Management Policy Framework(PDF, 820KB)Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Policy(PDF, 992KB)Fair Access Policy(PDF, 330KB)Financial Strategy Policy(PDF, 348KB)Fraud and Corruption Control Policy(PDF, 1MB)Gift, Benefits & Hospitality Policy(PDF, 472KB)Investment Policy(PDF, 364KB)Naming of Roads, Features or Localities Policy(PDF, 887KB)Media and Communications Policy(PDF, 354KB)OHS - Occupational Health and Safety Policy(PDF, 215KB)Privacy and Data Protection Policy(PDF, 466KB)Procurement Policy(PDF, 410KB)Property Leasing and Licencing Policy(PDF, 944KB)Public Interest Disclosures Policy(PDF, 921KB)Public Transparency Policy(PDF, 2MB)Rates and Charges Financial Hardship Policy(PDF, 334KB)Risk Management Policy(PDF, 360KB)Special Rates and Charges Policy(PDF, 972KB)Statutory Planning Applications Referral to Council Policy(PDF, 345KB)Street Tree Policy(PDF, 324KB)Township Reserves Maintenance Policy (Non Council Land)(PDF, 231KB)Volunteer Policy(PDF, 936KB)
Council Strategies Asset Management Strategy(PDF, 812KB)Digital Transformation Strategy 2020-2024 Plan on a Page(PDF, 111KB)Economic Development Strategy-2020-25(PDF, 1MB)Environment Strategy-2019-23(PDF, 5MB)Footpath and Shared Path Strategy(PDF, 5MB)Mansfield Open Space Strategy(PDF, 3MB)Mansfield Planning Strategy(PDF, 5MB)Rating Strategy 2020-21(PDF, 306KB)Sport Facilities Strategy(PDF, 3MB)Waste Management Strategy 2020-2025(PDF, 978KB)Youth Strategy and Action Plan 2019-2023(PDF, 12MB)