Asset Plan 2023-2033

The Asset Plan has a 10-year horizon, outlining Council’s approach to management of key asset classes and the challenges and opportunities faced in allocation of funds. Assets identified in the Plan include local roads, footpaths and shared paths, bridges and culverts, stormwater pipes and pits, buildings and structures and other open spaces, such as playgrounds, sports grounds and outdoor furniture. It is to be reviewed regularly in line with changing community needs and expectations.

Engagement with the community over the first iteration of the Plan, through exhibition of the Plan on Council’s Engage platform, has been completed in line with the Local Government Act 2020. For the next iteration of the Plan, further community deliberation is proposed via a community conversation workshop. This is proposed to commence after October 2022.

Council adopted the first edition of the Asset Plan at its meeting on 28 June 2022. The Plan will be reviewed each year.

The Asset Plan was reviewed in 2023 and was adopted by Council at its meeting on 21 May 2024.

Asset-Plan-2023-2033.pdf(PDF, 1MB)