Storm Water Discharge
The legal point of discharge is a point specified by Council where stormwater from a property must be discharged. The legal point of discharge is usually to a Council managed drain or the street kerb and channel. A legal point of discharge report from Council is usually required when applying for a building permit.
Request for Legal Point of Stormwater Discharge(PDF, 188KB)
Include any other supplementary information as required to support the request application.
Forward a hardcopy of the completed and signed application including payment to:
Mansfield Shire Council
Private Bag 1000
Mansfield Vic 3722
Or call in person to our office at 33 Highett Street, Mansfield.
A copy of the Council approved information will be forwarded to the applicant address or email.
What fees do I have to pay?
There is a fee payable, it is indicated on the request form.