Septic Tank Information


Council's Environmental Health Unit are responsible for ensuring that the installation and alteration of onsite wastewater management systems (septic tanks) throughout the Shire is done in accordance with the current Environment Protection Act (EPA), the Regulations and the Code of Practice.

The Environment Protection Act 2017 and the Environment Protection Regulations 2020 details the permit process that applies in Victoria for the installation/alteration and use of domestic and some commercial wastewater management systems. The Act uses the term 'onsite wastewater management system' for a range of system types which treat wastewater with a volume of less than 5000 litres flow per day and where a connection does not exist to a township reticulated sewerage system.

A two tier approvals process applies which provides for:

  • The Environment Protection Authority approves system types through a certification system for use in Victoria; and
  • The local Municipal Council approves individual installations.

The installation must be a type of system covered by an EPA Approval, compliant with conditions of the approval and be appropriate for the style of development and the intended site. Full details of approval systems for use in Victoria together with conditions and limitations can be found on the EPA website.

Council also provides detailed guidance for the public which is based on our Domestic Wastewater Management Plan and the EPA Code of Practice for Onsite Wastewater Management Systems, including the role of the EPA, Council, Land Capability Assessors, Plumbers and Drainers, and the role of landowners and occupiers.  The EPA Code of Practice Publication no 891 dated July 2016.

System Design

In summary, the design and selection of an appropriate system needs to consider:

  • Wastewater volumes involved (size of development)
  • Site constraints such as setbacks to waterways and soil types, slope, etc.
  • Land space availability and suitability
  • Intended use (such as permanent residence, holiday house, B&B, etc.)
  • Owner preference regarding type of wastewater system
  • Maintenance requirements
  • Cost

A formal Land Capability Assessment (LCA) needs to be undertaken by an appropriately qualified person or business who can assess the above matters. The EPA Code referenced above also provides some guidance and detail regarding LCA's and their author's role. An LCA will often also be required as part of any Planning Permit process.  As the site's capability decreases, a higher standard of treatment, increased setback distances and/or a greater level of owner involvement may be necessary.  Some properties will be assessed as not suitable for development or only suitable for a small scale of development that produces less wastewater.

The Council requirements for LCA's should be reviewed to ensure the design details and plan will be complete and consistent with our adopted standards. Further guidance and direction regarding LCA requirements is contained under our Domestic Wastewater Management Plan page. Please note that the LCA required details also varies based on the perceived and calculated risk for the site or locality.

Application for Onsite Wastewater Management System

An Onsite Wastewater Management System application form needs to be completed and lodged together with:

  1. copy of the LCA (for a new or major changes to systems, including increases to bedroom numbers)
  2. plan of proposal
  3. certificate of conformity for they system type
  4. prescribed fee ($798.20 for new installations and significant alterations, $608.20 for minor sanitary plumbing alterations)

Onsite Wastewater Management System Application Form(PDF, 810KB)

Please lodge all documents via email to or in person at Mansfield Shire Council's office.

To make payment, please call (03) 5775 8555 or attend in person at Mansfield Shire Council's office.

A permit is required to install a system and prior to altering a system (but not for maintenance works) - further information can be found in the Onsite Wastewater Management System Information booklet(PDF, 2MB).

Please note that a Building Permit relating to a development to be serviced by a wastewater system (or a redevelopment such as an additional bedroom or ensuite proposal which increases the potential wastewater generated) cannot be processed until the wastewater system has been assessed and consented to. The Permit to Install needs to be finalised with a Certificate of Approval to use the system prior to the occupancy of the development.

Fees for 2023/2024 Financial Year

  Fee Units Fee Cost
  • Application for Septic System
48.88 $798.20
  • Major Alteration to existing system
48.88 $798.20
  • Minor Alteration to existing system
37.25 $608.20
  • Extension to Permit to Install
8.31 $135.70
  • Amend Permit
10.38 $169.50
  • Transfer Permit
9.93 $162.10
  • Finalise Expired Permit
10.38 $169.50


To make payment, please call (03) 5775 8555 or attend in person at Mansfield Shire Council's office.

Operation and Maintenance

All Onsite Wastewater Management Systems require some maintenance to ensure their ongoing proper performance. Some systems such as aerated wastewater treatment systems require 3 monthly servicing, the traditional septic tank generally needs desludging at 3 yearly intervals.

Further details regarding this matter are contained within a system specific approval and Council's permit which will identify maintenance requirements. Council have developed a brochure 'Your Household Septic System' which discusses different types of systems as well as general information on looking after your system. In addition to the periodic maintenance, there are also requirements for the lodgement of system performance reports, e.g.:

  • As a permit condition, the 'traditional' septic systems are required to be assessed every 3 years to confirm their continuing suitability for use, with a copy of a report by an appropriately skilled person or service company provided to Council.
  • For septic tanks and sand filters, the report generally needs to be lodged on a 12 monthly basis.
  • For aerated wastewater treatment systems, the report needs to be lodged 3 monthly and is normally provided to Council directly by the service agent.

Where unusually high risks are identified, a Planning Permit may impose additional servicing/reporting requirements - through an enforceable 'Section 173 Agreement' that will be referenced on the property title.  These will normally require reporting to both Council and Goulburn Murray Water of the functionality and any maintenance works undertaken.  Any deficiencies need to be addressed and in some cases this will require a permit to be issued by Council before the works are undertaken.  Council have a range of reporting forms that can be used to assess your system.  These should be submitted to Council at the frequency referenced on the permit.

NB:  The term 'traditional system' refers to a septic system that comprises a toilet only or all waste septic tank and a series of drains to contain the treated wastewater below the ground.  For older systems, a separate disposal system will apply for the bathroom/laundry wastewater.